I just came back to my blog and realized the last time I posted was in August... of last year. I'm sorta taken aback by my laxidasical attitude toward blogging. Of course, my schedule has been a bit tight, what with five kidlets, and working graveyards, going to school full-time, and taking anatomy from UVU. Piece of advice for any student at UVU who may need anatomy as a prerequisite.
Run far, far away and take it from ANY other school you can.
Unless you have all the free-time in the world, and an amazing memory (of which I have neither), this course has been made so incredibly difficult it is ridiculous.
Anyhoo. On to better and brighter things.
The past several months have been intense, but great. So many things have happened. I will post a sort of year in review soon, but for now, here are some goals I have set for myself.
1. Get healthy! This will hopefully include some weight loss, but my main goal has no number. I simply need to reduce my chances of becoming diabetic, and of having a heart attack or stroke at a young age. i also want to be able to chase around with my children without feeling like my lungs are being ripped out and my chest will explode. Oh, and drink lots more water!!
2. Reduce stress. Stress is simply a part of life, but I intend to change how I deal with that stress and how I let it affect me in all of its varying ways.
3. Begin my support group for "regular" single-mothers. I have some lists created, and am gearing up for a big kick-off event and trying to get it all going. More details on that to come! ;)
4. Apply and be accepted into a Nursing program. Just gotta get it done, and see what happens there.
5. Get control back of my children. Jenna our nanny is literally a gift from Heavenly Father in our lives, but it is time for me to step back in (as much as I can) as the main caregiver.
I have more in my head, but these are a few important ones I thought I would mention. I also want to get back in the blogging swing of things. Let's see how I do! LOL