Where have I gone? Sometimes I don't even know. Just hanging out in limbo somewhere. Don't you hate limbo? I would almost rather something negative (not that I am asking for negativity... Positive thoughts, positive thoughts, positive thoughts...) than just to be stuck in limbo regarding a decision, a task, or where we go next. I. HATE. it!
At the moment, however; we are not-so-much in limbo. Myself and my children are working feverishly (well, not exactly feverishly, more like, as often as I can get the kidlets to help me!...) to get our house all packed up and ready to move this weekend. Ummm, yeah. That's like tomorrow. I know.
"Moving Where?" you may ask. Well, nowhere really. All of our things except the bare necessities are going into a storage unit here in Spanish Fork, and then the kids and I are going to stay off and on at my sister's house in Elsinore, and sometimes (when I have to work up here) at my parent's right next door to the home we are currently moving out of.
This amazing adventure and more will be ours to live throughout the next couple of months. Once school starts again at UVU and I get my financial aid, we will find a suitable housing situation and once again move all of our things. Only this time, out of storage and into whatever home we have acquired.
You wanna know the MOST exciting part of it all?!?! This place will only be temporary as well. I will have to make sure we move into a place that will allow us to rent on a month-to-month basis so that when our Housing Assistance comes through, (some time in the next several months) we can move out ONCE AGAIN and move everything AGAIN! Did I mention that we would get to move ALL of our furniture and ALL of our belongings AGAIN?!
Come on! You can say it! You are all totally jealous of me. You know you wanna be living my life, right?!