Thursday, July 9, 2009

Last Day of vacation!

Well, tomorrow afternoon I go and pick my kids up from my sister's house. I know they have been having a blast, but I am excited for them to get back home. With us not having a vehicle yet, our little "vacation" without any children for the week has been more like just hermiting up in the house but, not worrying about my kiddoes. We have still had Matthew and Madison here, so it's not like it's been silent. But it has been good. I am working on the laundry and am planning on having somethings cleaned and caught up before I leave tomorrow to pick them up.
I am also excited because Matt and I are going to go and look at a house for rent in Spanish Fork. It has 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, fenced in yard with doghouse and it is even in a ward where I know people already. I am very excited, but they are looking to rent ASAP, and we're going to have to wait until our financial aid comes through. That's the end of next month, so we don't know if they would hold it for us that long or not. We are going to discuss that with them as we go through the house tonight. I know I shouldn't get worked up when things are so up in the air, but I do anyway. We will just have to see!

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