Thursday, June 3, 2010

There's always a message!

I went visiting teaching this past weekend and was so grateful for the opportunity, as well as for the lesson that my incredible VT companion shared with our Sister. It was very meaningful and touched my heart. Along with that great message, I was reminded of another message that was written upon the wall of the home in which I was visiting. I can't remember the exact words, but I have heard it many times before.
It is something like,

"It's not about waiting for the storm to pass, but about learning how to dance in the rain."

I love this statement and completely agree with it. As my head is becoming more and more clear each day, I had a moment in which this message came streaming into my thoughts.
This is where I am. This is how I feel...

...And for just a moment, the storm ceased, the clouds parted, and the delicate rays of sunshine revealed a fresh beginning. All manner of plants perked up as they stretched and reached for the life giving light and warmth those beams brought forth... and She was there.
She was all alone and surrounded on nearly every side by what appeared to be great darkness, overwhelming hardship, and intense sadness; yet She remained. With a gleam of determination in her eyes, and a ring of Faith surrounding her soul, she was joyously Dancing. Through both rain and shine, her graceful movements continued. In her mind, she knew nothing could hold her back, and in her heart, she knew the hurt would eventually fall away, and she would again be complete.
Life is truly Amazing! Even in those times when it leaves you a little bit wet!

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