Thursday, July 24, 2008
Packing, packing, and more packing!
So, it seems as though I will never get done. I know I am close to having everything packed, but I am just tired of it all. Saturday is the big move in day, so hopefully we are done after that and I can just unpack and organize. Won't that be fun. I better get back to my bedroom and the big stack of boxes...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Got the kids home today...
...At least part of them anyway. Mariah and Alex went from their Aunt's house over to their Grandma's house. They will be gone until next Sunday. Over a week! And they've already been gone a week! Even though it's nice to get a break and be able to get lots of stuff done while they're gone, I'm sad. I'm gonna miss them tons. I am so happy to have the younger kids all home with me. I know they will make it 3 times harder to get things done, I'm happy! ...Soon, we'll be all moved into our house, I'll have my surgery, and then the kids will start back to school. It's gonna be crazy, but I love it!!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Today, Matt and I took Peyton to our new house to do some cleaning. We vacuumed with carpet deodorizer, and did some dusting and wiping down all over the house. The bedroom that will be for the boys is the one room where the cat smell is still a serious problem. I figure tomorrow night, once it's cool, I'll go over and shampoo. Then we'll see if we have to try anything else. I hate cleaning, but it is exciting too. Because we know we're getting things ready for all of our stuff to get moved in. Yaaay!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Just the three of us!
So on Thursday, I took all of my children except for Peyton to my sister's house to stay until next Wednesday. I got home late and then Friday, after assisting my Father at an appointment with the VA Hospital, got to go to Roosevelt to pickup Matt and Mike.
Now it's Saturday and Matt, Peyton and I are sitting at home relaxing...just the three of us. We also just got the keys to our new house today. We are going to spend this weekend cleaning the floors and stuff and then we'll really get down to packing everything. I am so excited! And it is really nice and quiet here right now.What ac hange from the usual roar.
Now it's Saturday and Matt, Peyton and I are sitting at home relaxing...just the three of us. We also just got the keys to our new house today. We are going to spend this weekend cleaning the floors and stuff and then we'll really get down to packing everything. I am so excited! And it is really nice and quiet here right now.What ac hange from the usual roar.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Another Monday
So, today starts another week of fun-filled packing, driving, and some time "alone". I didn't have to drive the guys up today because Peyton had a Cardiologist appointment to check on his heart murmur. He's good! It's still there, but no problems. Since we are getting ready to move, I have been little by little packing things everyday. Plus, the kids go to their Aunt's on Thursday until next Wednesday. All of 'em, except Peyton. Since he's still at least partially attached to Mama! So I am going to pack up all of the kids stuff while they're gone and then that part will be done. Fun,Fun, Fun...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
We found a house!

So this past week I went to look at houses like I have been for the past couple of months, but this time, I found one I really like!
It's in Springville. I believe it was built in the late 1800's and has been added on to in the rear of the house since then. There are 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Lots of great built-ins and good woodworking. We just signed the leas and the house is our as of August 1st! YAAA! We are so excited. Now we just get to do all the packing, moving, and unpacking before I have surgery on the 30th of this, we'll see how that goes...
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
What a week!
Wow! Who'd a thought that having hubby at home for almost a week would make the time so crazy! We had some great fun-filled days and nights. We did fireworks on more than one occasion, went fishing, went out to eat, did all kinds of things together. Our special event of the weekend was of course Mariah's baptism. It was great! Even though they weren't initially sure if her uncle had said the correct last name and almost baptised her twice, she loved it. She said she would be happy to get baptized twice. Then first thing Monday, Matt headed back up to work. Oh, they did have to be taken up there because the little old car they had gotten "threw a rod"...whatever that means in car talk, I'm not sure. But I was told it means the car is toast. So here we go again, taking 'em up and bringing 'em home. At least until we find another junker for them. So here's to the start of another week! Cheers!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Hopefully she learned...
Today Mikayla was found out on the highway in front of our house. I mean in the middle of the road! Right where the cars could have just ran her over like nothing. Needless to say she got in A LOT of trouble. Since she will no longer be allowed outside without me or her Dad right there (she used to be able to go out with older siblings, but not anymore...), I really hope she has learned her lesson about staying out of the road.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
So, it's Tuesday night and I just got done spending a really full, fun day with my family...including my hubby! He came home last night and surprised me, well almost. He was gonna surprise me, but couldn't wait so he called and let me know while he was on his way. They are getting days off this week instead of next, so barring any problems with their pipeline, they are home until Monday. Yaaaaah! How fun for us! We can spend 4th of July together as a family!
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