I can't believe tomorrow is the first of February! It's been a busy month in our home, which would explain why the time has seemed to fly by so quickly. Not only did Matt, the kids and I all start back to school again, we also had to take care of lots of loose ends from our last semester at school (well, Matt and I did!) In addition to that, I started a new job. It has been great. I have worked my first week actually on the phones and I am still employed, so I think that's a good sign. Also, Matt had teeth pulled, the three older kids have gone for a visit to their Dad's, and I have been working on our Monthly Value Project of HONESTY, from the Teaching Your Children Values book, which I LOVE!!!
Today is our last day concentrating on the value of Honesty, though that doesn't mean we are not still going to work on honesty in our home. With 5 little ones, we work on that value on a daily basis! I'll devote an entire post to next months value within the coming days and you can all be absolutely enthralled with my efforts :) (Yeah, right!)
Now, back to school for a moment. I am feeling good about this semester, though balancing everything can be a huge challenge. Especially since the weeks I was training for work, I worked nearly Everyday. I am still caught up with all of my assignments and tests for the classes I am enrolled in and have gotten A's in everything so far! Let's hope that trend continues.
Well, TTFN to all my lovely readers! I must chase after my naked, wanting to potty train, almost two year old little PeyPey!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I was able to get in touch with Professor Howard, my Math teacher from last semester. Initially, she sounded as though she was not going to change my grade from an E to a UW. This was because of the Policy that states that a student receives a UW when they have not turned in any more work after the last withdrawl deadline. I had still turned in work and done pretty well after that point. Once I explained to her about the deaths in the family and some of the ensuing chaos, she graciously fulfilled my request. She is changing my E to a UW and I can now petition to have both of my UW's changed to W's and they will no longer affect my GPA whatsoever. Yeah!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Academic Probation

Because I did so "well" with all of my classes last semester, I have been put on Academic Probation. Yeah, Me! Basically, that means I had to go through an online workshop, fill out some papers, and meet with an academic advisor. And then of course, I have to get my grades up this semester. Sounds pretty fair to me.
I did also find out some great information from the meeting with Marti in the Advising Office. The most important piece of info that I gleaned from my visit was that I can contact my Math professor from last semester and request that my E grade be changed to a UW. From there, I can petition the board to change both of my UW's to W's. Then they would have a neutral effect on my GPA. In English, that means they will no longer be bringing my GPA down. Awesome, huh!?! She told me that with the extenuating circumstances we had happen last semester, she saw no reason why the board would not approve the change. Yeah! Yeah!!! This makes me Happy.
Now, I just have to wait for the Professor to get back to me and hope that she will change my grade. I really, really hope that she will.
I think "W" may be my new favorite letter! ... Well, after the letter "A", of course!

Friday, January 15, 2010
Week One of Training, Done!
As of 9:30 this evening, I have completed my first week of training at NuSkin. I ended the week with a 100% score on our test, but they told us this one was easy. We also have another, more comprehensive test next Friday after we complete our Mentoring hours on the phones. Fun, fun for me, don't you think?
On another note, I am done with all of my English homework for this week and it's been turned in online. My Math homework, however...we've got tons of it! All due Monday! Like between 100-200 problems. I guess it may just seem overwhelming right now because it's 1 o'clock in the morning and I am still going on 3-4 hours of sleep. Plus I had school, errands, and then work training. So, yeah. Just another day in my life! Gotta love it, right. Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
On another note, I am done with all of my English homework for this week and it's been turned in online. My Math homework, however...we've got tons of it! All due Monday! Like between 100-200 problems. I guess it may just seem overwhelming right now because it's 1 o'clock in the morning and I am still going on 3-4 hours of sleep. Plus I had school, errands, and then work training. So, yeah. Just another day in my life! Gotta love it, right. Have a Great Weekend Everyone!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Wow! Who doesn't love constructive criticism, right?!
I have recently been informed that the meandering and sometimes nonsensical thoughts which I post to this blog (a.k.a. diary of sorts), are setting a bad example for my readers, and for my children. I was also told that my blog is not worth reading. Well, my only answers to the constructive criticism I have received are listed below:
*I often use this blog as a journal for myself and for my family. I have family and friends that live far away and they love that I post about what is going on in our lives. They also do not care if I am using proper English, or jumping from topic to topic. They've known me all of my life, and that has been how my brain works for as long as I can remember. They can typically follow along and completely understand my jumbled mess of a post.
*As for setting a bad example, I simply do not agree. I have not ever considered myself an example to my readers. I believe that every person has the right to be themselves, regardless of how imperfect they may be in another's eyes. I think teaching this to my children is of the utmost importance. I teach my children to be tolerant and loving. We believe every soul is of great worth, regardless of circumstance, background, and even bad grammar. I know that I am setting the best example for my children that I can, regardless of what I post on my blog. I am going to college full-time, being a Mom full-time, working outside of the home part-time, teaching my children Faith and the Gospel full-time, and holding our family together through addiction, alcoholism, divorce, abuse, and so many other circumstances that I cannot list them all here. ...Just a thought for my criticizer; live my life and see if you keep it all together all of the time.
*In regards to my blog not being worth reading, well, that's your opinion. You are absolutely entitled to your opinion. I am sure that to some people, the random thoughts of a 30 year old Mother to a gaggle of kids, would be of no interest. That's fine. If you don't think this is worth reading, don't read it! You are not being forced to read my words, nor are you being forced to even visit my meager blog. If you don't like it, you don't have to come back.
::Sigh:: Now I feel better!
*I often use this blog as a journal for myself and for my family. I have family and friends that live far away and they love that I post about what is going on in our lives. They also do not care if I am using proper English, or jumping from topic to topic. They've known me all of my life, and that has been how my brain works for as long as I can remember. They can typically follow along and completely understand my jumbled mess of a post.
*As for setting a bad example, I simply do not agree. I have not ever considered myself an example to my readers. I believe that every person has the right to be themselves, regardless of how imperfect they may be in another's eyes. I think teaching this to my children is of the utmost importance. I teach my children to be tolerant and loving. We believe every soul is of great worth, regardless of circumstance, background, and even bad grammar. I know that I am setting the best example for my children that I can, regardless of what I post on my blog. I am going to college full-time, being a Mom full-time, working outside of the home part-time, teaching my children Faith and the Gospel full-time, and holding our family together through addiction, alcoholism, divorce, abuse, and so many other circumstances that I cannot list them all here. ...Just a thought for my criticizer; live my life and see if you keep it all together all of the time.
*In regards to my blog not being worth reading, well, that's your opinion. You are absolutely entitled to your opinion. I am sure that to some people, the random thoughts of a 30 year old Mother to a gaggle of kids, would be of no interest. That's fine. If you don't think this is worth reading, don't read it! You are not being forced to read my words, nor are you being forced to even visit my meager blog. If you don't like it, you don't have to come back.
::Sigh:: Now I feel better!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Just checking In!
Well, school has already officially started for this semester and I have officially started the training for my position at NuSkin Enterprises. I AM CRAZY! Time is short and so is my patience! I am working my behind off (well, at least I wish I were physically, but that's another story...) The funny thing is, I am enjoying myself for the most part. I have typically been happy being busy and now that I am getting back in the swing of many things, I think I am feeling better about myself and better motivated to continue doing more and doing what I am already doing better.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I am wanting to take on anything new right now. I simply mean that I am feeling much more motivated and seem to be accomplishing more than I had before. I think I am getting back to being more efficient about how, why, and when I am doing things.
We'll see, though! It has only been a week since school started and I have only been in training for two day. Tomorrow, I could be insane. Who knows?!
I anticipate good things! Happy Evening to you all!
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I am wanting to take on anything new right now. I simply mean that I am feeling much more motivated and seem to be accomplishing more than I had before. I think I am getting back to being more efficient about how, why, and when I am doing things.
We'll see, though! It has only been a week since school started and I have only been in training for two day. Tomorrow, I could be insane. Who knows?!
I anticipate good things! Happy Evening to you all!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
As of Today...

This morning I had an interview with NuSkin Enterprises, for an End of Month Call Center position. The position, after initial training, will be 4 days a month. So, obviously, it is a VERY part-time position. At this point in my crazy life; however, that Totally works for me.
This afternoon, Natalie, from NuSkin's offices called to offer me a position with the company. Wahoo! So I am now officially hired as a NuSkin employee, and I start my training Monday morning. I will essentially have two weeks of training before I am put on the phones to work on my own. Yeah! I have a job. My kind of job for this point in my life.

Another great thing that happened today was that I finished the appeals process for my Financial Aid to come through for my classes at UVU. Which is really good since classes officially start tomorrow. I don't actually start class until Thursday, but I am prepared either way. Now it's just a matter of the money getting credited back to me and deposited into my bank account.
Here's my class schedule for Spring Semester 2010:
Biology 1010 (TV Course) Work at my own Pace class...
English 1010 (Online Course) Weekly Deadlines for class assignments...
First Aid TR 9:00-9:50
Math 1010 F 10:45-1:15
Swimming TR 10:00-10:50
I'm registered for 13 credits and I really feel like I can handle this semester. Last semester had some HUGE curve-balls thrown in and, though I don't anticipate entirely smooth sailing; I do anticipate my ability to handle things a bit better... And for things not to go so crazy!
Go Wolverines!

Saturday, January 2, 2010
One of my projects for the year!
I just started reading this book and we are going to be working on it throughout the coming year. The book contains tools and techniques to teach your family 12 major values. It is laid out so that you can focus on one value each month for a year and then start all over again if you want to. I figured I'd blog about it and keep everyone posted about how we are doing on our quest to teach the Tilton Bunch Values.
The book opens up answering some general questions and giving the author's thoughts on creating this book. Their first chapter is called "Why? When? Where? Who? What? and How?" A few great tidbits from this chapter include the following quotes:
"We should teach values to our children because it is the most significant and effective thing we can do for their happiness."
They offer a definition:
"A true and universally acceptable 'value' is one that produces behavior that is beneficial both to the practitioner and to those on whom it is practiced."
They further, offer some criteria that separates it from other good behaviors we should teach our children.
"A value is a quality distinguished by: (a) its ability to multiply and increase in our possession even as it is given away; and (b) the fact (even the law) that the more it is given to others, the more it will be returned by others and received by ourselves."
"Values, then, are other-and-self-benefiting qualities that are given as they are gained and gained as they are given."
The 12 values can be taught in any order and whenever we deem appropriate or needed in a particular month. January is the month we are teaching our family HONESTY!
Welcome to our newest Journey!

Happy New Year 2010!
I have seen several people post a year in review type of thing on their blogs, but I figured if you want to review our year, go ahead and check back through the posts. Frankly, there are many events of this past year I would rather not repeat right now. As for me, I'm going to post about the New Year and move forward from there.
Well, since I was feeling on the verge of death for the 3 days previous to New Years Day, I vehemently welcomed a great meal in celebration of the New Beginning that 2010 is for us. I decided to make Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Sweet Corn and Rolls. Yummy, yummy! I even used a new recipe for my chicken and was so excited about how it turned out, I had to take a picture of my First official meal in the new year.

Mmmmmm... And it really did taste as good as it looked. Though after not eating for more than three days, I couldn't even eat a third of what was on this plate. Oh, well. We had plenty of leftovers!
So it is with this great meal, a great family around me, and the Hopes for a Fulfilling, Successful, and Joyous new year that I welcome the passing of the last, and the Ringing in of the New.
Happy New Years to You!
Well, since I was feeling on the verge of death for the 3 days previous to New Years Day, I vehemently welcomed a great meal in celebration of the New Beginning that 2010 is for us. I decided to make Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Sweet Corn and Rolls. Yummy, yummy! I even used a new recipe for my chicken and was so excited about how it turned out, I had to take a picture of my First official meal in the new year.

Mmmmmm... And it really did taste as good as it looked. Though after not eating for more than three days, I couldn't even eat a third of what was on this plate. Oh, well. We had plenty of leftovers!
So it is with this great meal, a great family around me, and the Hopes for a Fulfilling, Successful, and Joyous new year that I welcome the passing of the last, and the Ringing in of the New.
Happy New Years to You!
Gavvy's Birthday Party

Gavin's birthday party was simply a few friends and family coming over for dinner, then us having cake and ice cream. Before we got to the cake, though, we opened a few presents!

So, yeah! ... A birthday only three days after Christmas is almost a given to use Christmas wrapping paper, right? Or is it just me?...

OK, so now let's get to the cake. That's the most important part for a Three year old Boy, anyway! When I ordered Gavin's Handy Manny cupcake cake, it looked So much cuter than the one I brought home. I was actually VERY disappointed with the way it looked. What was supposed to be a hammer shaped cake, looked more like a brown and blue Cross. It was quite odd, but Gavin still wanted it so I brought it home. Everyone couldn't believe I still paid for it, but... well, what do you think?

Ummm, so, yeah! Blue and brown cross. The kids had fun anyway and made a grand mess enjoying their yummy cupcakes!

And of course, the wonderful evening ended with a Very, very, thorough Bathing!

So, I say it again... Happy Birthday to my Gavvy Man, Mr. Gavin David Tilton
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