I just found out a few details I had posted incorrectly. My brother Michael was the one who had been speaking up about wanting the molds, and not-so-much just my Mom. Also, The load that I thought was their first, with the Uhaul Trailer was actually their 3rd or 4th. And they made more loads between their truck and Explorer before we were working on them for the last couple of days to get them out of the house.
So, yeah... tons and tons and Tons and TONS of molds have been moved during the Great Mold Migration of 2010.
I am certain Michael and Laura are Soooo looking forward to when they buy a house and have to move again. Loads of fun for everyone!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Great Mold Migration!
No, this post IS NOT about some nasty, moldy, mildew problem, or the fact that I cleaned out my fridge and came across a few interesting specimens that used to be leftovers. in fact, this post has nothing to do with that type of mold at all. I am talking about ceramic and porcelain molds.

You see, for those of you who don't know, my Grandparents used to do porcelain and ceramics all the time. Over the years they had bought and collected hundreds of molds for those ceramic and porcelain items.
When they moved up to Utah from California, of course they brought up this vast collection of molds with them. These molds vary in shape and size from a few inches big, to feet across and deep. They are also VERY HEAVY! Well, the big ones are.
When Grandma passed away last year, the house was left with this huge collection of molds ready for the taking. The problem was, not many of the family members were interested in keeping these molds. Here is where the fun part begins!...
My mom was one of the main people who had been asking about the molds and after much deliberation, she was told she could have them, except the few that were already spoken for, of course.
So started the Great Mold Migration of 2010. My brother Michael, his wife Laura, and my Mom went over to Grandma's house with a Uhaul trailer and loaded it up to capacity. This was just the first load. Yes! There were TONS and TONS of molds there. After two more truck loads, a van load, and then some, all of the molds have safely been transferred up to Michael and Laura's house in Clinton. Yeah! Let me tell you how much fun that was... ... ...
... Oh, yeah. No fun at all.
I really want to thank my brother and his awesome wife for helping Mom get these precious items loaded and moved from Grandma's. Laura did some of the loading all by herself... Yep, Laura is Super Woman!
Just thought I'd let you in on all the fun!!!
You see, for those of you who don't know, my Grandparents used to do porcelain and ceramics all the time. Over the years they had bought and collected hundreds of molds for those ceramic and porcelain items.
When they moved up to Utah from California, of course they brought up this vast collection of molds with them. These molds vary in shape and size from a few inches big, to feet across and deep. They are also VERY HEAVY! Well, the big ones are.
When Grandma passed away last year, the house was left with this huge collection of molds ready for the taking. The problem was, not many of the family members were interested in keeping these molds. Here is where the fun part begins!...
My mom was one of the main people who had been asking about the molds and after much deliberation, she was told she could have them, except the few that were already spoken for, of course.
So started the Great Mold Migration of 2010. My brother Michael, his wife Laura, and my Mom went over to Grandma's house with a Uhaul trailer and loaded it up to capacity. This was just the first load. Yes! There were TONS and TONS of molds there. After two more truck loads, a van load, and then some, all of the molds have safely been transferred up to Michael and Laura's house in Clinton. Yeah! Let me tell you how much fun that was... ... ...
... Oh, yeah. No fun at all.
I really want to thank my brother and his awesome wife for helping Mom get these precious items loaded and moved from Grandma's. Laura did some of the loading all by herself... Yep, Laura is Super Woman!
Just thought I'd let you in on all the fun!!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
My Little People Make me Happy!
In case you hadn't already noticed, I love my children.

They may drive me absolutely bonkers from time to time, but I wouldn't trade a single moment for all the chocolate in the world! (and that's saying something, considering my love affair with smooth, sultry, milk chocolate in all of it's many forms...)

My children are an endless source of joy and laughter. Lots and lots of Laughter. A few examples of these moments are...
When they fall asleep in odd places, in weird positions, and on top of whatever happens to be around!

which often ends up being a dog!

They also flash me the most interesting facial expressions!
Here's Mariah being "Cool"

And Alex giving me his Goofy look right after I cut his hair.

and would you believe this is Peyton just smiling for the camera?

now here's a face that could haunt you at night... If you weren't chuckling so hard!

Sometimes I just catch them when they least expect it...
Like Gavin while he is scaling the Family Room wall. He's such a monkey!

or Mikayla while she just wants to be left alone to go to sleep.

Sometimes I can't get a straight faced picture if my life depended on it.

And then there are times that I am not even the one who catches the moment

So let me say it again. I love my little ones so much. They make each day full of giggles and grins. Who couldn't love that, huh? They lift me up when I am down and make me smile when I couldn't bring one out myself.
I love you Mariah, Alexander, Mikayla, Gavin, and Peyton.

They may drive me absolutely bonkers from time to time, but I wouldn't trade a single moment for all the chocolate in the world! (and that's saying something, considering my love affair with smooth, sultry, milk chocolate in all of it's many forms...)

My children are an endless source of joy and laughter. Lots and lots of Laughter. A few examples of these moments are...
When they fall asleep in odd places, in weird positions, and on top of whatever happens to be around!

which often ends up being a dog!

They also flash me the most interesting facial expressions!
Here's Mariah being "Cool"

And Alex giving me his Goofy look right after I cut his hair.

and would you believe this is Peyton just smiling for the camera?

now here's a face that could haunt you at night... If you weren't chuckling so hard!

Sometimes I just catch them when they least expect it...
Like Gavin while he is scaling the Family Room wall. He's such a monkey!

or Mikayla while she just wants to be left alone to go to sleep.

Sometimes I can't get a straight faced picture if my life depended on it.

And then there are times that I am not even the one who catches the moment

So let me say it again. I love my little ones so much. They make each day full of giggles and grins. Who couldn't love that, huh? They lift me up when I am down and make me smile when I couldn't bring one out myself.
I love you Mariah, Alexander, Mikayla, Gavin, and Peyton.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
More Randomness!

I know, I know. It would be great if I could blog things in order of their happening, and perhaps do it a bit more often. Yeah I KNOW! But who know's when I will ever be able to do that so today, I have brought you some more updates and photos of some of the fun we've been having lately!
First of all, I have officially gotten my horrible Fall Semester grades changed to W's, meaning they no longer get factored into my GPA. Which mean... I have a 4.0 GPA for last semester! Yeahaw! What do you think of that?!

Second, if you didn't already know, my Mom's dog Archie was hit by a car the other morning. (and...by the way... the jerk-head people who hit him didn't even stop!) We figured he had a broken hip and that he had some internal damage or bleeding. He had a large bulge in his lower belly that was discolored and would periodically drip a fair amount of blood. Not a whole lot we could do so we decided the best route was to put him down. That was a few days ago and I felt so bad for my mom. She wasn't even home. She didn't get to say Goodbye to her furry little friend. Just so you know Mom, I petted him TONS and gave him lots of luvin's for you before he was put down. I love you Mom!
On to a happier subject...
My baby sister-in-law is getting pretty close to having her first baby and I got to attend her baby shower on Saturday. It was great. It was at a little place called The Chocolate, in Orem. It's a small bakery in what used to be a home. They have tables and chairs, couches, and other odds and ends throughout the rooms. It's a super cute place and the cupcakes are SO YUMMY!!! If you haven't been there, we'll have to make a date and have a treat some day! Oh, I digress. Back to the baby shower.

We all had lunch and visited and then Kristy opened the numerous presents she received. I am so glad that she was given so many wonderful things for her little fella, and a few things for herself too. I got her a bunch of random things I think a Mommy can't live without, but I still plan on making a blanket for the new baby and giving Kristy one of my "Birthing Survival Kits" Once I get it put together, I will have to photo it and let you all see what it is.
So check out this picture and tell me what you think.

Would you believe that these two women are within a week or so of the same due date? And given the size of little Kristy on the right, can you believe she only has like 7 weeks left until she delivers? She is such a Cutie! I love you Kristy! ... and I guess I love you too, Jake!
I have been enjoying playing with photography over the last couple of years and since I forgot about picture day a few weeks ago (don't ask!),I have been taking photos of the kids myself to put on the wall. I have been doing it one child at a time, cause I think that it much easier. Here is the photo I think I like best of Mikalya.

I am going to print them all out in black and white for the wall, but I may see about putting little dabs of color into them... Perhaps her eyes and the bows in her hair or something. I don't know. I'll figure it out later.
Well, off to do more Math homework. Gotta love working with radicals!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Really not sure why I blog...
So, I am the type of person who randomly LOVES to check out everyone I know's blogs and see what they are up to. I just think that it is AWESOME that we have the technology to keep in touch, though we may not physically be "keeping in touch". I also find it super interesting to see how people I know are doing and how their families are growing. I LOVE IT ALL!
I know that I don't have very interesting posts, just daily random information from the life and times of the Tilton Bunch. But I sometimes feel that I am just writing this for me, and NO ONE is reading this measly page. Which, in reality, is really OK. Since this is the closest thing to scrap-booking that I can fit into my crazy schedule, I get to post pics and stories from my life. I really wonder, though, if anyone else reads my nonsense. I have had a few random comments here and there. I know that I don't really post all that regularly as of late. Plus, what do I have interesting to post besides children updates and crazy work and school stuff. Gosh, if you only knew the stuff that I don't blog about... You wouldn't believe it. I just think some things in my life should stay private, ya know!
I am also concerned at times with how the things that I could post may affect some of my family members or friends. I am by nature very non-confrontational in person, and it would appear that little quirk of mine has rubbed off onto my little blog too! I try not to stir up trouble, or post things that are difficult for me to discuss. Partly because I have my blog public right now and I have no idea who may read it. Things like addiction, divorce, ex's, stupid people in my life, alcoholism, my longing for the temple, dissatisfaction with life, medication, feeling totally out of control, feeling helpless, the need to strangle children... I guess all of the truly negative stuff in my life, I try to leave out somewhat.
I am not trying to paint a rosy picture of my life, though some may think that is exactly what I am doing by leaving those things out. I DO post many of the not-so-good things we have going on in our lives. I guess I just leave a lot of the specifics out.
I think there are a lot of things that go through my mind that I would rather not have down in print for all of eternity. Perhaps that is my semi-conscious and semi-unconscious reasoning behind leaving stuff off of my blog. I don't really know. But I guess if I ever post something that seems vague, or something in which you don't have details that you feel are pertinent, then comment to me, or email me, or even call me. I am sure we can have a great conversation and I can chat your ear off about my crazy details. Perhaps we can even make it a date! I love getting together for a catch up session.
Well, I am off to chase my kids around since the naps are definitely over. See ya!
I know that I don't have very interesting posts, just daily random information from the life and times of the Tilton Bunch. But I sometimes feel that I am just writing this for me, and NO ONE is reading this measly page. Which, in reality, is really OK. Since this is the closest thing to scrap-booking that I can fit into my crazy schedule, I get to post pics and stories from my life. I really wonder, though, if anyone else reads my nonsense. I have had a few random comments here and there. I know that I don't really post all that regularly as of late. Plus, what do I have interesting to post besides children updates and crazy work and school stuff. Gosh, if you only knew the stuff that I don't blog about... You wouldn't believe it. I just think some things in my life should stay private, ya know!
I am also concerned at times with how the things that I could post may affect some of my family members or friends. I am by nature very non-confrontational in person, and it would appear that little quirk of mine has rubbed off onto my little blog too! I try not to stir up trouble, or post things that are difficult for me to discuss. Partly because I have my blog public right now and I have no idea who may read it. Things like addiction, divorce, ex's, stupid people in my life, alcoholism, my longing for the temple, dissatisfaction with life, medication, feeling totally out of control, feeling helpless, the need to strangle children... I guess all of the truly negative stuff in my life, I try to leave out somewhat.
I am not trying to paint a rosy picture of my life, though some may think that is exactly what I am doing by leaving those things out. I DO post many of the not-so-good things we have going on in our lives. I guess I just leave a lot of the specifics out.
I think there are a lot of things that go through my mind that I would rather not have down in print for all of eternity. Perhaps that is my semi-conscious and semi-unconscious reasoning behind leaving stuff off of my blog. I don't really know. But I guess if I ever post something that seems vague, or something in which you don't have details that you feel are pertinent, then comment to me, or email me, or even call me. I am sure we can have a great conversation and I can chat your ear off about my crazy details. Perhaps we can even make it a date! I love getting together for a catch up session.
Well, I am off to chase my kids around since the naps are definitely over. See ya!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Always Playing Catch Up!
In my life right now, I feel like I am just getting by and trying to catch up on EVERYTHING! School, Work, housework, homework, Church, FHE, special time with kids, special time with hubby, Carpool, Cooking, Sewing those two dresses for both of the girls who want to be in this years Cinderella Pageant,Our monthly value challenge, and, yes...Even this blog of mine. It has always been something I toy around with, but I still like to keep up on it. We'll see if I can get better at consistent blogging in the future, but for now, here's the "cliff notes" on some of the events I had not posted about or didn't have pics for...

Family Get Together!
My entire family was able to get together and even get some pictures taken for the first time in...well, forever! It is so exciting to see how the families are each growing. This is one of the pics we got of EVERYONE. Quite a feat if you consider how many littler ones we have to keep still!
Here's one I took of Mom and Dad:

And another of them with all of the Grandchildren:

Here's my parents and all of the children:

We took a ton more photos, but these are supposed to be cliff notes, right?! Right.
Nana's Birthday!

Gavin's First Fish Hook in the Foot!

Peyton's 2nd Birthday!

So, there's a Flash into the past couple of months around these parts. So many others have much more exciting happenings, but I do enjoy my mundane life from time to time. We're happy and that's what counts! Till next time readers! TTFN!

Family Get Together!
My entire family was able to get together and even get some pictures taken for the first time in...well, forever! It is so exciting to see how the families are each growing. This is one of the pics we got of EVERYONE. Quite a feat if you consider how many littler ones we have to keep still!
Here's one I took of Mom and Dad:

And another of them with all of the Grandchildren:

Here's my parents and all of the children:

We took a ton more photos, but these are supposed to be cliff notes, right?! Right.
Nana's Birthday!

Gavin's First Fish Hook in the Foot!

Peyton's 2nd Birthday!

So, there's a Flash into the past couple of months around these parts. So many others have much more exciting happenings, but I do enjoy my mundane life from time to time. We're happy and that's what counts! Till next time readers! TTFN!
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