They may drive me absolutely bonkers from time to time, but I wouldn't trade a single moment for all the chocolate in the world! (and that's saying something, considering my love affair with smooth, sultry, milk chocolate in all of it's many forms...)

My children are an endless source of joy and laughter. Lots and lots of Laughter. A few examples of these moments are...
When they fall asleep in odd places, in weird positions, and on top of whatever happens to be around!

which often ends up being a dog!

They also flash me the most interesting facial expressions!
Here's Mariah being "Cool"

And Alex giving me his Goofy look right after I cut his hair.

and would you believe this is Peyton just smiling for the camera?

now here's a face that could haunt you at night... If you weren't chuckling so hard!

Sometimes I just catch them when they least expect it...
Like Gavin while he is scaling the Family Room wall. He's such a monkey!

or Mikayla while she just wants to be left alone to go to sleep.

Sometimes I can't get a straight faced picture if my life depended on it.

And then there are times that I am not even the one who catches the moment

So let me say it again. I love my little ones so much. They make each day full of giggles and grins. Who couldn't love that, huh? They lift me up when I am down and make me smile when I couldn't bring one out myself.
I love you Mariah, Alexander, Mikayla, Gavin, and Peyton.
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