So today, Santa let me know that he was wrapping several of the gifts he had for our children, and he was really excited for the items they were getting. They are receiving various items, but many of them are educational, which I love!
Also, I got a reminder in church today to talk with the kids about what gifts we can give to Jesus Christ, seeing as we are celebrating his birthday. One of the great things that was stated, was that we must remember that Christ told us that
If you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Our family home evening lesson is going to be surrounding that very thing. We are going to talk about what gift, or gifts, each person wants to give to Christ on Christmas this year, and everyday in the year to come. I pray that we can all take the time ourselves to answer this question and remember the
Christ in Christmas. He lived and died for us and our Heavenly Father sent his only begotten son to do those things for US, for all of us. Be good to each other!