Friday, December 5, 2008

Already December...

I can't believe it's already the 5th of December. I love the holidays and Christmas time is my favorite, I just can't believe it's already here! I am not prepared for it. We just got into our Christmas decorations and put up our artificial tree, but discovered we had not ONE strand of lights. I went and bought a couple of strands of clear lights. I think they work the best because they match with everything. So far we have a tree up and I just put lights on it. That's the most decorating we have done as of today. Hope everyone's getting excited. I know I am! We are in our own house for our first Christmas. We are hosting Christmas Eve dinner at our home. We are also going to tell the Christmas story and sing carols and let everyone open One present (which undoubtedly happens to be PJ's every year...) It's going to be great!

1 comment:

Naomi said...

That's so fun! My husband's family does the pajama's on Christmas Eve thing which I think is awesome, we never did it in my family but it is definitely a tradition that I am going to start! My tree is up, crookedly, and it's skinny so it looks all charlie brown-esque but the lights are on. I think today we will finally get the rest of the stuff on. We have been waiting for a time when daddy was home and all three kids were awake so we could do it together. So you are ahead of me!