Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Just checking In!

Well, school has already officially started for this semester and I have officially started the training for my position at NuSkin Enterprises. I AM CRAZY! Time is short and so is my patience! I am working my behind off (well, at least I wish I were physically, but that's another story...) The funny thing is, I am enjoying myself for the most part. I have typically been happy being busy and now that I am getting back in the swing of many things, I think I am feeling better about myself and better motivated to continue doing more and doing what I am already doing better.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I am wanting to take on anything new right now. I simply mean that I am feeling much more motivated and seem to be accomplishing more than I had before. I think I am getting back to being more efficient about how, why, and when I am doing things.
We'll see, though! It has only been a week since school started and I have only been in training for two day. Tomorrow, I could be insane. Who knows?!
I anticipate good things! Happy Evening to you all!


Unknown said...

This makes no sense whatsoever. The grammar is atrocious and there is no rhyme or reason behind what you are trying to say. The only good part is your picture. I highly recommend that you set a good example for you readers and your children and write something worth reading.

Leslie said...

WTH? Who is this Amy and why is she being so negative? I liked your post and I believe all your post are "worth reading"