The year started out with my new job working for the best company in the world, NuSkin Enterprises.

We had fun as Gavin got a fish hook in his foot and ended up in the ER:

We celebrated Peyton's 2nd Birthday:

We experienced the "Dog at Large" incident with Butch and Angel...

...Where they alledgedly attacked a horse. This led to our family having to get rid of our beloved animals. Sadly, we missed our Butchie the very most! We were very happy that he could go stay with Shalecia's Dad in Delta, and didn't have to be put down.

We really miss this big 'ole Teddy Bear!!
I made the Dean's list after successfully completing Spring 2010 semester!

This also helped me receive a Dean's Merit Scholarship for the 2010-2011 school year.
We celebrated Mariah and Alex's Birthday with a really exciting Luau. Unfortunately, our camera had broken at that time, and we don't have any pics from that awesome day. But we had a ball. Sorry to any of you whom missed it!
Shortly after we celebrated the kids' Birthday's, we were forced to move from our home and began our adventure of moving from house to house, while we lived out of our car for the summer. It wasn't as bad as it sounds, and we got to spend some great time with family and friends!
We stayed with Aunt Christy, Jan, and Lukas:
We celebrated Mikayla's Birthday with our good friend Kim, and her daughter Kloe!!

We got to enjoy a few different Parades. Here's my crazy kids standing on the sidelines, with my friend Dustin hanging out in the background.
We spent some afternoons playing at an amazing park in Pleasant Grove called Discovery Park!
We got to spend some time down at Aunt Catherine's House:
...Where Gavin decided to use Uncle Cade's beard trimmer and give himself a haircut!
Around this same time, Grandma Judy had surgery and we took the kids for a visit while she was in the hospital. She was on quarantine, so our required attire looked something like this:
I continued school throughout the summer. As a project for my Psychology class, I cut my hair and donated it to Locks of Love. Here was my hair before:

And here is my hair after...

And then again after, when I dyed it red:

I think the all over color makes me look older, and I am working on getting some highlights back in this hair 'o mine. We'll see what it ends up looking like.
Fall semester started, and we were FINALLY able to get ourselves into our own home once again.
Along with the new house, came a new addition to our family! Jenna is our new Nanny and we LOVE HER!!!

Mika and Laura got their new house finished in September, and shortly after that, Mom and Dad got to move into their "Master Suite" built just for them.

We had the opportunity to get the kids dressed up on a couple of different days to celebrate Halloween. The first time was at Spanish Oaks Elementary for the Costume Parade:
The second time was on the Saturday before Halloween, since it fell on a Sunday this year. Here's the whole gang, including Isabel and her little peeps!

As we marched into winter, snow fell, and kids played...

and snow fell and kids got buried...

as snow fell, and Fell and F.E.L.L.!!

The Holidays approached and the kids decorated Cookies with Jenna:

And NuSkin gave us the BEST Christmas Party Ever. They had Comedian Brian Regan come and perform for us, which was AWESOME!!

Then came Christmas Night. I happened to wake up after Santa had made his visit and I snapped a couple of photos. Here are the stockings:

And here is the Christmas tree surrounded by presents. It seems like a ton, but if you consider that I have a whole gaggle of kids all by myself, well, ya know...

Now we have come upon the end of the year. The Ball has dropped in Times Square and it is well beyond midnight in my little home in Spanish Fork, Utah. I am excited for what the New Year may bring. I am hopeful that things will be Amazing.
I wish you all my Blessings and Joys to you and your families in this time of new beginnings.
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!!! ;)
Sweetie, that was 10 years ago, it is now 2011! I love the pics of your year! I sure hope this year is LESS eventful for both of us! Happy 2011!!!
Thanks for the correction Issa!! LOL...
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