The children all woke up sooner than Mom and Dad did. ... Well, kind of. We heard them awake and told them to steer clear of the gifts until we got out of bed. You parents out there know that Mom and Dad get to stay up and help out Santa sometimes. So we were seriously tired! We finally decided to drag ourselves out of bed at the late hour of 8am, but we had to keep the kids at bay while we waited for Grandma and Grandpa to join us from next door. It was so hard for them to wait! But they did. They're good little people! They had; however, managed to have gone through some of their stockings. We figured that was OK, and they did try to put everything back in order before we came downstairs from our room.

We started out our Christmas Morning Merriment in an organized fashion...

But as things progressed...

We slowly disintegrated into total and absolute madness!...

The end result being that you can barely recognize our furniture, let alone our entire front room.
Is this a garbage heap, or the Tilton's house on Christmas Morning? I'm not entirely sure. You tell me...

Either way, Christmas this year was absolutely Spectacular! Thank you to those of you who helped us make this day amazing for our little ones. We love you all and hope you had a great Christmas day as well.
And now, it is with mixed emotions that I get to say, It's all over. Merry Christmas!
Next up, Gavin's Birthday in three days. Yeah!!
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