The day I decided to take Family Pics was quite an eventful one. Not only did the day start out hectic and stressful, but it ended the same way. I got us all Red shirts to wear and made each of us an off white scarf. Ya know, to be cute and matching and all that stuff. I even made scarves for both of the Doggies! In our haste to get ready, my darling, clumsy husband tried putting his jeans on while approaching the top of the stairs and fell face first all the way into the kitchen. OWWW! He not only knotted up his head, he really got his shoulder good. He was in Tons of pain, but we had to do pictures. We had all the kids ready and everything! Matt was really working to gain his composure...

So, we got it together and ended up taking some pretty good pictures. I have been trying to decide which one to use for our Christmas Card...if I ever get them out! I have two favorites. One that you can see our dogs in and one that you cannot. I think the family looks much better in the one without, but it's our family to a T in the one with the dogs. What do you think?...
With the Dogs!

Or Without the Dogs!

Either way, at least we got some Photos taken this year that were a little more formal than last year's. If you remember, Matt wore pajama pants, so yeah. Not formal at all!
After the fun that was our family photo shoot, Matt went to the Hospital and was diagnosed with a severe contusion. Though they said there may be a break but all the swelling makes it hard to tell. He has a sling for his arm and is supposed to be VERY careful because the injury could get worse. This is what his shoulder looked like after some ice at the hospital...

So ends our adventurous Family Picture Extravaganza. Did any of you have as much fun with Family Photos as we did?
Only one more Week until Christmas. Boy, we're Sooo not ready!
1 comment:
I can't decide which pic I like the best, they're both really good! If it were me, I'd send out the one with out the dogs, but I'm too much of a perfectionist. It's never bad to have a "personality" picture that really shows how life is truely! Good Luck!
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