Monday, March 1, 2010

Always Playing Catch Up!

In my life right now, I feel like I am just getting by and trying to catch up on EVERYTHING! School, Work, housework, homework, Church, FHE, special time with kids, special time with hubby, Carpool, Cooking, Sewing those two dresses for both of the girls who want to be in this years Cinderella Pageant,Our monthly value challenge, and, yes...Even this blog of mine. It has always been something I toy around with, but I still like to keep up on it. We'll see if I can get better at consistent blogging in the future, but for now, here's the "cliff notes" on some of the events I had not posted about or didn't have pics for...

Family Get Together!

My entire family was able to get together and even get some pictures taken for the first time in...well, forever! It is so exciting to see how the families are each growing. This is one of the pics we got of EVERYONE. Quite a feat if you consider how many littler ones we have to keep still!

Here's one I took of Mom and Dad:

And another of them with all of the Grandchildren:

Here's my parents and all of the children:

We took a ton more photos, but these are supposed to be cliff notes, right?! Right.

Nana's Birthday!

Gavin's First Fish Hook in the Foot!

Peyton's 2nd Birthday!

So, there's a Flash into the past couple of months around these parts. So many others have much more exciting happenings, but I do enjoy my mundane life from time to time. We're happy and that's what counts! Till next time readers! TTFN!


Lora said...

I like reading your blog! I'm like you, I love to be able to see what people are up to via blogging, facebook, etc.

Tilton Bunch said...

Thanks Lora! I am SO glad that I am not the only one who makes the rounds to the blogs of all the people I know. It's awesome.