I have many, many things that I hope to do in my life, but most of them seem so very basic, that I struggle to move beyond them to any sort of a “fantasy” type of hope. I don’t mean some crazy outlandish hope, but things like, “I would love to travel the world”… because I just can’t even see that far right now. The things I hope for in my life are not at all fancy, or exciting (to most people, at least); but to me, they are the world!
I hope to someday be sealed to my children and my husband for Time and All Eternity in the LDS Temple. I does not really matter which one, though I think I would like the Salt Lake City temple the best… (Mostly because it looks like a castle and this moment would be like a Princess’s dream come true!)

Someday, I hope to (more like, I AM GOING TO…) completely take care of my own family without the aid or support of any outside sources. To any of you who do not know what I mean by this, you are blessed! To those of you who do, I know you can completely relate.
I also hope for menial things like; owning my own house, having a running vehicle that fits my entire family, finishing school… WITH a degree, cooking dinner every night, keeping my house clean for more-than a day, owning NICE furniture (by that I mean something that we didn’t get for less than $100 at DI or a yard-sale), and being able to take my children on vacation.
So, yeah! Not the most grand of dreams, but they are mine and I work my tail off towards them EVERYDAY!!!
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