Tuesday, January 5, 2010

As of Today...

This morning I had an interview with NuSkin Enterprises, for an End of Month Call Center position. The position, after initial training, will be 4 days a month. So, obviously, it is a VERY part-time position. At this point in my crazy life; however, that Totally works for me.
This afternoon, Natalie, from NuSkin's offices called to offer me a position with the company. Wahoo! So I am now officially hired as a NuSkin employee, and I start my training Monday morning. I will essentially have two weeks of training before I am put on the phones to work on my own. Yeah! I have a job. My kind of job for this point in my life.

Another great thing that happened today was that I finished the appeals process for my Financial Aid to come through for my classes at UVU. Which is really good since classes officially start tomorrow. I don't actually start class until Thursday, but I am prepared either way. Now it's just a matter of the money getting credited back to me and deposited into my bank account.

Here's my class schedule for Spring Semester 2010:

Biology 1010 (TV Course) Work at my own Pace class...
English 1010 (Online Course) Weekly Deadlines for class assignments...
First Aid TR 9:00-9:50
Math 1010 F 10:45-1:15
Swimming TR 10:00-10:50

I'm registered for 13 credits and I really feel like I can handle this semester. Last semester had some HUGE curve-balls thrown in and, though I don't anticipate entirely smooth sailing; I do anticipate my ability to handle things a bit better... And for things not to go so crazy!

Go Wolverines!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Wow! Good for you lady! I love jobs that are really low part-time but still give you some extra money. Good thing about the school stuff too! yeah for things working out!