Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

I have seen several people post a year in review type of thing on their blogs, but I figured if you want to review our year, go ahead and check back through the posts. Frankly, there are many events of this past year I would rather not repeat right now. As for me, I'm going to post about the New Year and move forward from there.
Well, since I was feeling on the verge of death for the 3 days previous to New Years Day, I vehemently welcomed a great meal in celebration of the New Beginning that 2010 is for us. I decided to make Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Sweet Corn and Rolls. Yummy, yummy! I even used a new recipe for my chicken and was so excited about how it turned out, I had to take a picture of my First official meal in the new year.

Mmmmmm... And it really did taste as good as it looked. Though after not eating for more than three days, I couldn't even eat a third of what was on this plate. Oh, well. We had plenty of leftovers!

So it is with this great meal, a great family around me, and the Hopes for a Fulfilling, Successful, and Joyous new year that I welcome the passing of the last, and the Ringing in of the New.

Happy New Years to You!

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