Saturday, January 31, 2009

Just us and the Babies

Right now the only people home are Matt, me, Gavin and Peyton. It's more quiet and relaxed with out the older kids here...well, just a tiny bit, really! And that happened through somewhat interesting circumstances. However, because of those circumstances, Matt and I had a fun night out on our own and are still recovering today.
So, lots has happened in the past couple of days since I blogged last. First of all, I had court with Eddy for his child support review. The hearing itself was just a regular review, but I got the opportunity to talk to Eddy about what I have been feeling may be best for the kids. I also gave him the letters that the kids had written. We talked some, but he didn't read the letters while he was at the court house. He initially seemed like he may be willing to sign, but not so much after he called a couple of hours later, once he had gotten home. He talked to Mariah and Alex for a bit and then me for a while. Along with other things, he said that he will probably never sign away his rights. He also said he is doing everything he possibly can for the kids, so we will simply get to just maintain the status quo.
Then yesterday, Eddy called and talked to Mariah about the fact that he had gotten her a cell phone so she could call him whenever she wants to. So, Ya! My eight year old will now have a cell phone. But so long as I am not paying for it, I guess we'll see how it goes. I am not, however; going to let her take it to school or to every random place she goes. Anyway, Eddy was going to put it in the mail for her. Then about 8 o'clock last night he called again to see if he could come and pick up the kids to take them for the weekend. I hesitated at first, but the kids wanted to go and I figured if he was willing to find a ride and work everything else out, I should let them go. Even if it was late. So now Mariah, Alex, and Mikayla are in Richfield until tomorrow. So we will see how the kids are once they get home and see if Eddy really is going to be doing more for them. Only time will tell!..

Friday, January 30, 2009

Gavin's new Favorite!

I was visiting my cousin's blog and she posted the following YouTube video. I played it for Gavin and now he wants to watch it over and over again. So I thought I might post it here, for him, and all the world to see! Just make sure you go to the bottom and pause the music so you can hear the video. ENJOY!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Nervous, but excited!

I am getting a little bit nervous about court today. It is a child support review hearing with my ex. I am not nervous about court itself, I am nervous about what I am going to do for my children today before court. Mariah and Alex wrote letters to their dad. Neither Matt nor I gave the kids suggestions or told them what to say And because of that, it actually took Alex about an hour to write two sentances. I helped him spell words he had questions about, but other than that, it's how he truly feels and what he wants to say to his Dad from his wonderful 6 year old little heart. Mariah, on the other hand, wrote two full pages and drew him two pictures displaying how she feels. My intention is to go before court and speak with Eddy. I want to show him the letters and then tell him what HAS TO HAPPEN! Either he steps up and consistently contacts his children so they really know he cares about them, or I want him to sign over his parental rights to all three kids. If he does that, he can be absolved from any future child support ordered monies... Because all he is doing right now, especially to Mariah, is Screwing up their heads. Mariah has been a wreck. I will see howitgoes about 1:00 this afternoon. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

PeyPey has RSV!

Poor Peyton! Doesn't he look miserable. I literally wiped his nose 5 seconds before I took this picture. I took him to the doctor because he has been coughing really badly and Soooo congested. Luckily his Oxygen Saturation levels were still in the 90's. So for now we watch, do breathing treatments and a steroid, and wait. I hate that he just gets to be miserable. So, yay for Mommy! I also get to call Alex's teacher and see who I can call to take my place as parent helper tomorrow, since I can't leave Peyton with anyone. Everyone I usually have watch my little ones has kids too. So I don't want anyone else getting sick! Oh the joys!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Getting Things Done...and MAD!!!

I have been working on laundry and organizing kids' clothes. Especially Mikayla's. I am trying to get myself organized once again, because I seemed to have lost that somewhere. I am getting chore lists together and working on setting a daily tenative schedule. We really already have a tenative schedule for the most part, but I just want to solidify it more and stick to it better. If I don't get things organized again before it gets totally out of control, I will never get it back. I am also excited to be working out and trying to focus a bit more on myself. Though I have that selfish feeling going on right now, when I do it. I get ready and the kids ask why. I tell them just because and they think I am not telling them the truth.
On a completely different note, Mariah has been really struggling with her Dad not calling her back, or writing her back. She is getting upset and I know she feels like he doesn't really care about her, which sometimes I wonder myself. I could never be apart from my kids like he is and not at least call them, very often! He doesn't even bother to call her back when she calls. I so wish I could take this away from her. Matt and I have both told her that we love her so much and we would never want her to be away from us. We also told her that it was OK to be mad at her Dad. She should not feel bad about her feelings because they are valid. And we told her that we support her if she wants to tell her Dad how she feels. We also told her that if he gets mad at her for what she is saying, to let us handle it from there. I just want to call him up and tell him either he needs to step up and keep consistant contact with her, or sign his rights over. Because seriously; all he is doing is messing up her head. And I can't stand that. Uuuggghh, It just makes me so mad! Who does he think treating his children this way is OK? And I don't care if he was treated badly by his father. Break the cycle and don't be a deadbeat loser like he was. GOSH!!! I just get so upset about it...I better stop before I say something even worse!...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dinner to speak.

So tonight we are having some friends over for dinner, and then we invited a couple more friends, and now we've got ourselves a regular ol' dinner party happening tonight! I am so excited about it! I hate the cleanup, but I love the cooking and entertaining parts of it. I think it's the best, getting together with good friends, great food, interesting conversations, and amazing times. I hope to be able to continue to have these for ever, and be able to invite new and old friends alike! I can't wait. It's already time to start things cooking. Hope to see y'all at my house for dinner sometime soon! And when you do, this is all you'll see at the end of the evening...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"They call me Butch!"

"Here I am, and boy does my name fit me. I just joined the Tilton Bunch yesterday. They found me at an animal shelter and I fell in love with all of them. They came looking for me after they saw my picture on the internet. I am such a lover and I think I am a lap dog, even though I am about 80 pounds. I am learning the rules of the house and I fit right in with the rest of the family. I even got to sleep in my new parents' bedroom with them, though they didn't let me sleep on their bed. I am still getting used to my surroundings and am not very hungry right now, but I know I'll get my appetite back very soon! I can't wait to meet new friends and get to know my family even better."

Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday, Monday

Matt got home yesterday afternoon and we had a great, relaxing evening with the family. Now it's Monday morning and he had to go to work today, even though it's MLK Day. Yay!..and the kids have no school again. So, we'll just hang out at home. Partly because we can't all fit in the car, and partly because I don't want to wear shoes. I think I broke one of my toes last night when I slipped on water and hit the cupboard. We'll just add that to the other bruises and scrapes I've gotten lately from falling. Let's see, so far in the last couple of weeks, I have twisted my ankle twice, road-rashed my knee, bruised up my whole left forearm, and now, broken toe! Yes! I'm doing great. I wonder if there's some underlying reason to my frequent falling lately. Perhaps a two year old who likes to spill water, pour dish soap on the floors, and run away from me on icy sidewalks... I think that might be it.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Yay!! Matt will be home tomorrow!

Well, we made it! All of the kids are alive. They have all eaten and been bathed accordingly the whole time Dad was gone. Mom still has the majority of her hair. The house is as clean as it stays in these parts. Well, we are minus a dog, but that would have happened whether hubby was home or not. Other than that, we have faced Dad's time away mostly unscathed and are looking very much forward for his triumphant return. Can't wait until Tomorrow!...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bye, Bye Bandit!

Well, yesterday afternoon, Bandit went crazy. He has been getting more and more aggressive, but it all came to a head. I was walking over to the neighbor's with all the kids, and Peyton in the stroller, and the whole time Bandit was attacking all of us. He knocked each of the kids over various times and was trying to bite them. He lunged at Alex and pinned him in the snow and was biting at his face and ears and hands. He tore Alex's clothes in a couple of places, and left esveral marks on his arms and head, even his ears. He was even attacking me. He kept biting on poor Peyton's feet, first to get his socks off, and then just biting them. The baby nearly needed stitched in a small, but deep gash he got on one of his feet. The dog just wouldn't stop, no matter what I or any of the kids did. We got to the neighbor's house with all kids screaming and crying and cowering around the stroller as I was trying to fend off the puppy. We went in their house and I called Animal Control right then. Mariah and Alex were upset for him to be taken away, but they wanted him gone. It is one thing to want the dog gone when he won't stop bugging you, and another to actually see him leaving. It was a bit sad, but I was so upset about how he had attacked us, I wasn't going to have him near the kids or myself again. Plus, since we live right across the street from an Elementary School, I was afraid he would attack someone else. He was just not the right dog for us, that's for sure. Matt will be surprised when he gets home on Sunday, but he probably would have done something to the dig right then and there had he been around. Poor kiddoes and poor Bandit. See ya, Buddy...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Still lonely

So, even though it's just been a couple of days since Matt left, I miss him a lot. I guess that's what happens when you get used to someone being around you everyday. It's just getting to be night time and I hate sleeping alone. I have to force myself to tell the kids they can't sleep in my bed with me. Pretty sad, huh?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Missing You!...

Matt is gone until next Sunday. He is having to take care of things from the car accident that totalled our Durango. (The above picture is all that's left of our family car...) I miss him when he's gone. The kids miss him too. They were all upset yesterday that Daddy was going to be gone for so long. Which is kinda funny considering he used to be gone for nearly a week at a time every week, but hey. He's been home so they want him here. I want him here too. But everyone has to face the consequences to their actions, whatever they may be. I am preparing myself for Sunday. Taking all the kids to church all day by myself. Should prove to be an exciting day. Well, if I could talk to Matt right now, I would tell him that I love him so much and appreciate everything he has done and is still doing for me, for his family, and for himself. He is truly a huge part of my world and I feel incomplete without him here. Love you, Honey!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back to School!...and Potty training!

Yay! Kids are back to school! Don't get me wrong, I love having my children home with me, but sometimes I can really use the break that school gives to me. Plus, they love it! So I'm not a bad parent, right?... Anyway. The older two kids started school yesterday and Mikayla started her half-day peschool again today. I get a couple of hours at home with just the babies and it's a little more peaceful.
Some news!... Gavin is showing some really good signs of being ready to potty train. We even had big boy underwear on for a few hours today, until we realized that Gavy was having some tummy troubles and put a diaper back on. We went like three hours or so with no accidents. Going in the Potty. It would be so great to only have one child left in diapers. It will happen soon, I know it!

Friday, January 2, 2009

2009-A New Year

I'd like to wish everyone and Happy and Porsperous New Year. This past year has been one filled with Many, many ups and downs. Our family has learned lots of lessons, and has made several huge changes. We are happier and healthier for those changes, though they have required much sacrifice. But every minute of worry and stress, and sadness, and happiness, was well worth where we have come, and for where we will continue to go. I thank all of you who have been instrumental and supportive with our situations and the circumstances that have come. I love you all and look forward to a great year for each and every one of us! Welcome to 2009!